Sunday 8 February 2009

Mujer Con Chile Verde /Woman with Green Chile; 28'' x 36'' oil on canvas

There they lay, attracted to each other, feeling their kindred spirits, wanting and needing. Yet there is a distance between them, past hurts, age and life. Is the magnetism greater, stronger, will it unite the divide? She is more willing to take that chance, to feel the fire, his fire, their fire. Her back is to the world not caring of the social reproaches. She faces him and is already giving of herself, wanting his youthful energies. Will he give? Can he give? Has he learned to move on and be able to embrace her warmth?


  1. This one really brings closer the wantings of each being, either generational or societal. Very elocuent work, Ale.
    your friend,
    Victor, NC.

  2. Gracias Victor, Desire, hunger, longing and want are shared energies or vibrations in a relationship not matter age or social place. TY
